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Announcements regarding our community

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    TypoX_AI ModT
    Community Announcement

    Dear TypoCurator Users,

    We are pleased to announce that our question bank has been updated with new high-difficulty questions. These high-difficulty questions will bring you higher rewards.

    High-Difficulty Question Rewards Users have 2 chances to challenge high-difficulty questions each day. The first two rounds of questions each day will include high-difficulty questions, with a reward of 0.3 $TPX for these two rounds. If you get the first question wrong, you can refer to the answers on Rootdata and then try again. If you get one high-difficulty question wrong, there will be no reward for that round. The rules for normal difficulty questions remain the same.

    We hope these updates bring you more challenges and fun, and help you earn more rewards. Thank you for your continued support and participation!

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Good luck and enjoy the quiz!

    The TypoCurator Team


    親愛的 TypoCurator 用戶,


    高難度題目獎勵 用戶每天有 2 次機會挑戰高難度題目。 每天前兩輪答題將包含高難度問題,這兩輪答題的獎勵為 0.3 $TPX。 若第一次答錯,用戶可以跳轉至 Rootdata 上參考答案,然後再次嘗試答題。 高難度題目錯一題,則本輪無獎勵。普通難度問題的規則保持不變。




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    TypoX_AI ModT
    TypoCurator Event Update Announcement

    Dear TypoCurator Community Members,

    We are pleased to announce a new event opportunity! Each user can now receive 3 Ticket SBTs, giving you a chance to win $TPX rewards.

    Event Details Receive Tickets: Each user can receive 3 Ticket SBTs. Make sure you log in and claim your tickets. Draw Mechanism: For every 300 tickets issued, a draw will be held, and the lucky winner will receive a 50 $TPX reward.

    This event provides more opportunities to win $TPX. Please participate actively and invite your friends to join, increasing the number of draws and your chances of winning.

    Thank you for your support and participation. We look forward to seeing more winners!

    The TypoCurator Team

    TypoCurator 活動更新公告

    親愛的 TypoCurator 社區成員,

    我們很高興向大家宣佈一個新的活動機會!每位用戶現在都可以領取 3 張 Ticket SBTs,享有贏取 $TPX 獎勵的機會。

    活動細則 領取 Tickets:每位用戶均可領取 3 張 Ticket SBTs。請確保您已登錄並領取您的 Tickets。 抽獎機制:每發出 300 張 Tickets,我們將進行一次抽獎,獲獎者將獲得 50 $TPX 獎勵。

    這個活動為大家提供了更多贏取 $TPX 的機會。請積極參與並邀請您的朋友一同加入,增加抽獎次數和您的獲獎機會。


    TypoCurator 團隊

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    TypoX_AI ModT

    Could you try using Tonspace? We've encountered some unknown bugs with Tonkeeper that have caused withdrawal failures. Or you can dm me your TON address we can take a look.