Dear TypoCurator Users,
We are pleased to announce that our question bank has been updated with new high-difficulty questions. These high-difficulty questions will bring you higher rewards.
High-Difficulty Question Rewards Users have 2 chances to challenge high-difficulty questions each day. The first two rounds of questions each day will include high-difficulty questions, with a reward of 0.3 $TPX for these two rounds. If you get the first question wrong, you can refer to the answers on Rootdata and then try again. If you get one high-difficulty question wrong, there will be no reward for that round. The rules for normal difficulty questions remain the same.We hope these updates bring you more challenges and fun, and help you earn more rewards. Thank you for your continued support and participation!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Good luck and enjoy the quiz!
The TypoCurator Team
社區公告親愛的 TypoCurator 用戶,
高難度題目獎勵 用戶每天有 2 次機會挑戰高難度題目。 每天前兩輪答題將包含高難度問題,這兩輪答題的獎勵為 0.3 $TPX。 若第一次答錯,用戶可以跳轉至 Rootdata 上參考答案,然後再次嘗試答題。 高難度題目錯一題,則本輪無獎勵。普通難度問題的規則保持不變。我們希望這些更新能帶給您更多的挑戰和樂趣,同時也能幫助您獲得更多的獎勵。感謝您的持續支持與參與!
TypoCurator 團隊